According to the Princeton Review, 74% of high students reported feeling “Very High” or “High” stress when it came to their college applications. As we get closer to the end of high school, the impending doom of college gets closer. Every year admissions rates continue to decline while college tuition costs continue to skyrocket. It’s no wonder why so many high school students feel anxious about the college admission process.
I can relate to this. As a junior, whenever we have any class meeting talking about college, tension is in the air and everyone is slightly on edge. It’s scary to think that I’ve technically started my college process. So far in Seminar this semester I’ve had a meeting with my college counselor, visited schools, and made a list of schools that I’m interested in exploring. But, I have a long journey ahead of me that’s both terrifying and exciting.
Thinking about the future stresses me out. I hate the uncertainty of my future, and I wonder if I’m doing enough to set myself up for success later.
Do I take enough APs? Should I get a higher SAT score? Maybe I should get a job? All these questions plant more doubt in my mind.
I often find myself comparing my GPA, extracurriculars, SAT score, or skills to other people online who are complete strangers. This made me insecure about my intelligence, capabilities, and worthiness to get into a good school.
But what has helped me (and could help you if you feel the way I do) is taking a step back and looking at the bigger picture.
You’re not in this process alone.
Several adults want to help you succeed. Your parents, college counselor, and teachers are here to help you with anything you need so don’t be afraid to lean on them when you feel overwhelmed.
Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Asking questions can help you clear some of your confusion. Instead of panicking about unanswered questions, ask someone for advice or help because you might be making a big deal over nothing. Remember, there’s no such thing as a dumb question.
The college process can be confusing sometimes, and things change every year, so it’s perfectly fine to ask questions. Remember, there’s no such thing as a dumb question.
Don’t make college admissions your life. Like high school, college is at least four years, just a fraction of your life. After you graduate, life goes on. So, getting a rejection letter or experiencing failure doesn’t mean that the world is ending. High school isn’t over yet so don’t focus on college so much that you forget to live in the moment.
And lastly, remember that you got this! Yes, it’ll be a bumpy ride but you’re going to get through it. Your hard work is going to pay off and everything will work out in the end.